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Nelson v. Superior Court CA2/7
After pseudonymous Internet commenters posted on social media that Jeff Nelson practices “bestiality and paedophilia [sic] and incest,” has “mouth sores,” and sells food that causes “mouth herpes,” he and his company VegSource Interactive (collectively, Nelson) sued for defamation. To discover the identity of the commenters, one of whom posted under the pseudonym Chantelle Robin, Nelson served subpoenas on Google, Tumblr, YouTube, and Twitter, requesting potentially identifying information, including the commenters’ IP addresses. Before those companies responded to the subpoenas, however, they notified Robin, who filed a motion to quash the subpoenas. The trial court granted the motion to quash.
Nelson filed a petition for writ of mandate seeking to compel the trial court to vacate its order granting the motion to quash and to enter a new order denying the motion.

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